When ever you want - wherever you want

Impro-Clown - our duo signature show.
Infinite possibilities open up in front of our eyes when two clowns take the stage and improvise. These two clowns are looking for the poetic and the ridiculous, in a show full of movement, music and madness. Dressed in truth and authenticity they create a poetic world
where reality and imagination lose their boundaries, transcending the limits of the stage and themselves breaking the fourth wall and making the audience part of the show.
Imaginary worlds, full of fantasy and metaphor, are created on stage, together with the audience, connecting us all... like strings.

A multi disciplinary show where drawings and acting meet on stage to create a magical experience.
Scribbles is a multidisciplinary experience created in the spaces between theater, dance and illustration. A blank page and an empty stage waiting for creation. Drawn lines will jump off the canvas to receive a scenic interpretation full of life, color and movement.
The illustrations create magical worlds, wrapping the stage inside them, together with the actors, dancer and the audience, to tell improvised stories that have never been told.
Join us for the magic and leave reality at the door.

A show based on team work, group support and echos.
(môr′fĭz′əm) n.
Is a structure-preserving map from one structure to another one.
How much inspiration can we take from a form, a movement, a gesture?
In how many stories can these forms transform and morph?
The group collective mind will support, using physical and emotional echoes, the stories giving to every scene new and deeper meanings.

Stranger Strings
An organic ensemble show based on music, movement and objects.
As a group we create and discover new worlds, amorphic and concrete scenes, touching, funny and magical moments. Listening to each other and to our audience creates a deep and unmediated connection between the performers themselves and the audience. And when you reach this level of listening, most of the scenes will be wordless, without even trying to.
In this workshop and format we seek the possibility of surprising ourselves and our partners on stage, from the fragile, slow and uncertain moment of creation - minimum limits and maximum imagination.
Stranger Strings was born from the desire to play our duo show format with more people and is based on objects and song recommendations collected from the audience and from the stranger strings that connect us with each other and with the audience.